Pastor Jimmy @ Sunday Service
Members and friends of The Fountain of Life Church celebrated Father’s Day during the June 16 Sunday service. Various activities, from spoken word performances and choreography to the presentation of gifts, were staged to celebrate fathers in the church.
In his message for the day, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya stated the importance of fatherhood. According to him, fatherhood is an interesting and thankless role that plunges one into self-evaluation. He said, “The difference between a man and a father is that the former shares his genes, but the latter gives his life. Fatherhood does not come with compensation. Being a father is in itself the compensation.”
The clergy continued by pointing out to his listeners that a major prerequisite for fatherhood is the provision of a better life for every member of the family. Speaking from the month’s theme scripture—Psalm 2:7-9, as well as John 10:27, Colossians 3:21, Ephesians 1:4, Psalm 103:13, and 1 Thessalonians 2:11—Pastor Jimmy enumerated four qualities every father must possess.
According to him, the voice of a father must be heard in the family, adding that such a voice is not a degrading one but one that speaks life. In his words, “Fathers’ voices are so important. God has put you in the family as the head of the home, and so you have the responsibility for your home. Fathers, your words can either mend or break your wife’s and children’s spirits. If your voice brings fear to your spouse and children, you are doing something wrong.”
Another quality of fatherhood, according to Pastor Jimmy, is that a father’s voice molds, adding that it brings clarity, and establishes identity and authority. “Fathers, you are the first example of a man to your daughter. If your daughters grow up receiving validation from you, they won’t need it from another man outside,” he said.
The clergy further pointed out that the voice of a father provides presence, noting that provision without presence does not make good fatherhood. He enjoined fathers from Isaiah 46:3-4 to imbibe the character of God, our Heavenly Father, who provides and is also present in the lives of His own.
The final quality of fatherhood is the acknowledgment of a father’s voice. He urged women to always appreciate and acknowledge their husbands’ and fathers’ input, stating, “Just because he is carrying it well does not mean it is not heavy.”
He thereafter urged his listeners, especially men, to be the fathers they ought to be in their homes, asking God for help to fulfill their responsibilities, and he urged women to always appreciate and acknowledge their husbands and fathers.
The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.
Supernatural CELEBRATION
Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Thursday showers
During the Thursday Showers service on June 13, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya referenced Psalms 2:7-9 to remind the worshippers of their identity as children of God, stating that it depends on how they claim their blessings, which have already been bestowed on them by God. He said, “It is important to not forget who you are; do not act like servants when you are a son. God is giving you a frame of how to think.”
The Senior Pastor continued by saying that God possesses the power to bestow blessings that are often desperately sought after by many, for He holds the authority to grant such gifts. He added that believers are not defined by their current struggles, as God’s vision encompasses the future beyond present circumstances. “Some of us in our situation think that God has forgotten us, but we forget that God is already in your future. He is the Alpha and Omega. Stop worrying about how to get through this season. Let Him who has carried you from the womb, carry you.”
Pastor Jimmy elaborated that God’s purpose for His children is deliberate, but many believers allow their unpalatable circumstances to hinder them from accessing such blessings. “It may seem like you are sinking, but God is carrying you. Stop trying to get out of the hands of God. You will never get too big for God to carry. God gives His toughest soldiers the toughest battles,” he stated.
Pastor Jimmy continued, “Your pain is indeed flattery to how God sees and ranks you in His kingdom because He knows you have the ability and capacity to go through the fire or storm. Do you not realize that God has to be able to trust you with pain? Pain is not for everybody. It is not everybody you tell your troubles and your struggles to,” Pastor Jimmy said.
He therefore urged them from Isaiah 40:27 to have faith in God as He is aware of their situations. “There is a plan concerning your life. God is intentional. You will never figure God out. God’s foolishness is wiser than our wisdom,” he urged.
The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.