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Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Sunday service

In continuation of the sermon, The Scarlet Thread, which he began the previous Sunday, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya told the congregation at the October 1 Sunday service that the scarlet thread represents the redemptive power in the blood of Jesus, His death, and His resurrection. This, according to him, was seen throughout the Bible.

Speaking from Joshua 2:18 and Genesis 2:21, the clergy noted that God’s act of clothing Adam and Eve with the coat of the animal’s skin after they fell signified the shedding of blood as well as revealed His grace and mercy towards man, even in their fallen state.

Speaking further, Pastor Jimmy said everything God does is intentional, and so for the redemption of man, Christ had to bear upon Himself the elements of the curse. A scarlet robe was worn on Him on the way to His crucifixion. And in a word of prophecy, Pastor Jimmy declared to the congregation that places where they had toiled before and laboured hard, Christ has taken the thorns away, and now the ground will yield fruits without sweat or labour in Jesus’ name.

In driving home his point on the power in the blood of Jesus, Pastor J read 1 Corinthians 15:3–4 and 12–16 to say that Jesus’ death and resurrection are the proof of the power of the blood of Jesus for the salvation of man. In his words, “The covenant of the blood supersedes all other covenants and breaks the hold they have on people. It came from a Lamb without blemish, and it goes beyond generations and ages. Whether there be plagues or not, as they will come, the covenant ones will not be destroyed. And as God’s covenant children, God will always rise to defend and save His own, by the reason of the covenant.”

He therefore urged the congregation in Exodus 12:12–13 to put their trust and hope in Christ, as He is able to rescue them from any destruction. “He is ready to give nations in exchange for the covenant ones because of the blood of the Lamb that was shed,” he said.

Earlier in the service, Pastor Tolu Odukoya read the promise of the week, which was taken from Job 11:18–19, to encourage the congregation not to give in to fear, stating that fear is a thief. “It will steal your time, joy, creativity, and rest. Fear is not the portion for the believer, and so as Christians, no one is allowed to live in fear,” she said.

The associate senior pastor also read Psalm 91:5 to say that there would always be challenges and troubles, but those who make the Lord their secret place would be exempted.

The full message is available on the Church’s YouTube channel, The Fountain TV, and Pastor Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube channel @JimmyOdukoyaofficial

The message is also available on CD and DVD at The Fountain of Life Church Digital Media Store.



Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Thursday Showers

The atmosphere at the September 28 Thursday Showers was one of unlimited joy as Pastor Jimmy Odukoya led the worshippers in an awesome worship. The new senior pastor used the biblical accounts of Sarah, who became pregnant and bore a child despite hitting menopause, and Mary, who had an immaculate conception, to urge the worshippers to praise God irrespective of whatever is termed impossible in their lives. “Whatever’s impossible in your life, put it before God now and praise Him,” he said.

Delving into his message for the event, which he titled The Good Shepherd, the clergy noted that God is always present in His children’s lives and in every situation, whether past, present, or future. According to him, God is the I am, who can never die nor slumber. “Whatever you need, whether deliverance, protection, or provision, He is there for you. Whatever situation you’re facing, bring ‘I am’ into that situation,” he said.

Speaking from Psalm 23:1-6, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya said that the Lord being one’s shepherd means direction, provision, safety, security, as well as protection. Corroborating this with John 10:1–18, the man of God told his listeners that the Good Shepherd walks, talks, and leads His own on the right path. “He will never leave you or forsake you. When you put your hopes and trust in Him, you are not alone,” he said.

The man of God, using the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as an illustration, noted that the good shepherd knows exactly what is good for His sheep. In his words, “when the Good Shepherd tells you not to do something, it is because He doesn’t want to expose you to evil. So, you need to believe and trust him. The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorry. Any blessing that brings sorrow is not from God.”

He continued, “Any blessing that makes you compromise is not from God. If it’s a blessing from God, it makes rich and adds no sorrow.”

He therefore urged them never to see themselves as downtrodden, irrespective of what life has thrown at them, but to value themselves because that’s how the Good Shepherd sees them. “It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through; the Good Shepherd still sees you as valuable, and you are still valuable. Do not let the lie of the devil, the guilt of your past, or the shame of your mistake remove you from the Good Shepherd. Jesus died for you voluntarily because you are worth it.”

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube channel, The Fountain TV, and Pastor Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube channel @JimmyOdukoyaofficial

The message is also available on CD and DVD at The Fountain of Life Church Digital Media Store.