FeedbackΔShare your experience!Sharing your experience helps us grow and better support you.Are you a: Worker Member First Timer OnlineWith which department did you enjoy interacting? Car Park (Organization and Coordination) Children's Church Church Care Drama Government Relations Healing Stream Hope Center Hospitality (Welcoming) Information Music (Praise, Worship & Choir ministration) Outreach Protocol Publications (Announcement) Technical (Visual, Audio/Sound, Lighting) Ushering (Friendliness) OthersKindly state briefly.Which department did you not enjoy interacting with? Car Park (Organization and Coordination) Children's Church Church Care Drama Government Relations Healing Stream Hope Center Hospitality (Welcoming) Information Music (Praise, Worship & Choir ministration) Outreach Protocol Publications (Announcement) Technical (Visual, Audio/Sound, Lighting) Ushering (Friendliness) OthersKindly state briefly.What can we improve on?Submit