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Serve in Spite of it All

Today’s Scripture: Genesis 40:6-7

And Joseph came in to them in the morning and looked at them, and saw that they were sad. So he asked Pharaoh’s officers who were with him in the custody of his lord’s house, saying, “Why do you look so sad today?”

In his book 70 X 7, The Freedom of Forgiveness, David Ugsberger tells of General William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, who had lost his eyesight. His son Bramwell was given the difficult task of telling his father there would be no recovery. “Do you mean that I am blind?” the General asked. “I hear we must contemplate that,” his son replied. The father continued,” I shall never see your face again?” “No, probably not in this world.” “Bramwell,” said General Booth, “I have done what I could for God and for His people with my eyes. Now I shall do what I can for God without my eyes.”

Intermittently, life will throw challenges that will attempt to force us into a shell of self-preoccupation. Sometimes we will lose people and things, or fall into adverse situations that will shake our core. At such times, instead of retreating into self-pity, we must, rather, push on in the service of others. Joseph had lost everything; his family, friends, and everything else he held dear. Even his life was in the balance, as he languished in jail uncertain of his fate. But this did not stop Joseph from looking out for others. He rose above his situation to reach out to the butler, a propensity for service, regardless, which saw him rise from the prison to throne. Nothing must deter us from a life of service.

The more the devil throws at us, the more committed we must be to serve. And remember, there is no better way to serve God than by bringing others into a relationship with Him through Christ, and by helping others deal with the practical details of life.

Today, find the strength to stay on the path of service no matter what the devil throws your way. There is no better way to deal with your troubles than by helping others get over theirs. Keep serving. The Lord will strengthen you in your adversity. He will comfort you and give you the grace to comfort others in equal measure, in Jesus name!

Memorize & Meditate:

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart Galatians 6:9

 Prayer & Confession:

Strengthen me Lord. In adversity, walk with me. Give me the grace to always look out for others no matter my situation in Jesus name.